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TOP Super Shine 10ml

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Top Super Shine - super resistant finish coating, which keeps its shine for 2-3 weeks.
6,00 USD
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Volume 10 ml
Polymerization 30 sec Polymerization 30 sec
Transparent Transparent
No acidic No acidic
Mid-dense Mid-dense
Without a sticky coat Without a sticky coat
Hypoallergenic Hypoallergenic

Top Super Shine - super resistant finish coating,
which keeps its shine for 2-3 weeks.
No sticky layer
Does not scratch
Does not rub off
Does not chip
It has an average consistency
It has an ultraviolet filter to protect against the fading of saturated colors of gel polish
Drying time 30 seconds.

Finish coating without a sticky layer:

As a fixative, it reliably protects the color from
chips and scratches, negative effects of UV rays,
provides perfectly stable and bright manicure.
It dries in a UV lamp (48 V) for 30 seconds.
Removes nail irregularities
plates and creates a perfectly flat surface.
It has an average consistency.

The main advantages of the technology:

Convenience and simplicity of the application process on the nail
High rate of polymerization in the lamp
The cover is kept until the removal procedure
Safety of application for the nail plate,
hypoallergenic material

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